Stop, Look And Listen

Posted by Blogging And Marketing | 3:56 AM

There are three journal actions that you should take when writing a journal entry. You should stop. You should look, and then you should listen. In order to write a journal entry you need to be aware of what’s going on inside and outside of you. After practicing these three actions you will become more aware of everything around you.

STOP: Prepare yourself to write, finish up the work in front of you. Find your journal and pen or pencil. Take a deep breath, shrug your shoulders and relax.

LOOK: Look at your journal page. Take in everything about the page, including margins, whether the page is ruled or unruled and how much space you have from the top to the bottom of the page. Then think about the issue(s)s that you want to discuss. Choose one subject. Jot the other topics in a short list somewhere for later use. Here’s are some suggestions for choosing a topic.

--Make a list of positive words or phrases that you read when you need some encouragement.

--Make a page of your favorite drawings to motivate you in to create your art.

--Write a page about one of your strongest feelings, such as anger or sadness.

--Write a list of all that you accomplished in one day, week, month or year/

--Write a to-do list.

--Write a list of dreams.

--Write a list of goals.

--Write a list of short prayers.

--Write a list of your favorite books.

--Write a shopping list.

LISTEN: Listen to your intuition, that small voice that you hear when you are making a decision. Listen to God. Listen to people you trust. Listen to the five w’s, who, what ,when where and why. Write the words that you hear. Identify the voice that is speaking to you. Have a brief conversation with the voice. Stop writing when you are both finished. You may run out of words to say, feel tired or have writer’s cramp. Some examples of when you may be finished:

You may run out of words, feel tired or have writer's cramp.

Congratulations! You’ve written your first journal entry. You can repeat this exercise any time, to help you write new entries.

Happy Journaling!

Copyright 2005 Writer's Eye Advisory Service

About The Author

Lael Johnson, owner of Writer's Eye Advisory Service, offers creativity coaching services and additional writing resources for more information please visit:

Love Links

Posted by Blogging And Marketing | 8:15 AM

If you are looking for ways to improve your GOOGLE PAGE RANKING and TECHNORATI RANKING, I recommend that you give Viral Linking or Viral Tagging a chance. All you need to do is follow these four simple instructions and you're on your way to increasing the number of links to your blog. (courtesy of Blogging Mix.)

==== Copy and Paste below this line ====


1.) Copy and paste the entire matrix of “ViralTags” below.

2.) Substitute the Host Tag and one of the “ViralTags” in the matrix with your anchor text of choice containing your blog’s URL. Please keep anchor text to a maximum of 4 words to keep the matrix size manageable.

3.) When you get a ping back from someone that has your link in one of their “ViralTags”, practice good karma by copying his/her Host Tag’s anchor text (automatically the associated link will also be copied) and paste it over one of your “ViralTags” below.

4.) Encourage and invite your readers to do the same and soon this will grow virally.

Host Tag: Blogging Mix : Blog, Bloggers and Blogging

| Blogging Mix | Blog About Interesting Stuff | Internet Blog Branding | Blogspot - Search Engine Optimization | Blogging Tips, SEO Guide | Blog Instructor | Blog, Blogger and Blogging | Blog About Networking | Blog Monetization - Blogspot | Blogger, Blog and Blogging | Blogging and Marketing | Blog For Bloggers | The Bloggers Haven | Business Logic | Extension - Blogging Mix | Content, Connection, Continuity | Asian Women and Culture | Viral Tag | Viral Tag | Viral Tag | Viral Tag |

UPDATE: Please let me know through the comments when you've posted this on your blog so I can add your link. Please inform me of your preferred ANCHOR TEXT too. Thanks.

Traffic Scams & Warnings

Posted by Blogging And Marketing | 3:01 AM

Traffic Scams & Warnings borught to you by

What is a Traffic Scam?

A traffic scam is designed to give a false sense that you can spend any amount of money and you will magically begin to get high quality traffic. This cannot be any further from the truth. These scams are designed to bring you fake hits, popup, popunder and proxy based traffic. The worst quality you can imagine and none will ever yield a sale. Below you will see a list of the above items and what they actually are.

Popups These are ads that rudely popup into a surfers face when they are browsing or surfing the web. These were widely used in the 90's and now have been ported into rollover or flying ads that again are very intrusive to a surfer.

Popunders These types of ads are a bit more sneakier as they do not appear until all browsers are closed and there is an advertisement sitting on your desktop, again very intrusive.

Fake hit machines Yes, these exist and most of these traffic scams use them in a massive way. They setup scripts to change the referrer of a faked hit to make it appear like it is real and coming from somewhere.

Proxy hits This is by far the dirtiest tactic of them all. Server proxy lists are put together, shared and sometimes even sold to other people to use as a mask to hide themselves while they spam, spoof hits or possibly even worse like sending a virus from an internet cafe.

How to spot one?

Spotting out these hits is really not that difficult at all. Your average visitor will stay at the page for sometime before closing it. So have a look at your logs and see how long these guys stay. Take your average user and weigh that against some of the more suspicious ones. Keep in mind that bots such as Google or Yahoo Slurp will identify themselves very clearly in your logs and might have a short visit period. The unique visitor that stays 2 seconds and seems to stay only 2 seconds visit after visit is most likely a "fake" hit.

These companies even use these fake hits to boost PR and Alexa ranking. So don't judge these guys because they have a high ranking. It is very hard to find a really traffic provider that is not scamming to some degree.

If everyone is a scam then what is the solution?

Well not everyone is a scam but most of the "cheap hits" programs are. So we advise you stay away from all of them and just build the traffic yourself. Search engine traffic has proven time and time again to be the highest quality of traffic to a website. It is completely targeted to your audience because the user was searching for you.

The answer to building your traffic is quite simple - content is king. The idea is to build as much content as possible so that the search engines will come around spider then index your pages. Relative content will yield the results you seek. For example if you put together articles related to your "widget" and keywords appear in your article about these "wdigets" and what they do then there is a greater chance when some one searches for "super widget" that they will find your site.

There is a lot of calculation in a search engine algorithm but it has been proven that the one thing that remains the same is content out weighs all other factors.

How to I build effective pages?

We have designed our software Maximum Traffic with search engines algorithms as the primary goal. We allow you to build your pages quickly and effectively to get you the highest possible rankings in the search engines. Our 15 day trial version will even yield results in that short of a time.

Using the software once might work but to be successful for the long-term effect you need to build build build and then build some more.

Who are the scammers?

We cannot name the names of the site for legal reasons but we can say most of them are the same site moving form domain name to domain name because of getting a bad reputation. These sites saturate the market and then move the domain to a new one and claim that they are the new kid on the block with the best traffic. Don't get duped by these guys, do a Whois on the domain, call the company up, find a physical address and call these guys out. Do not let them take your hard earned money and give you nothing in return.


We hope that this article has shed some light on this internet craze. The thing to remember is that search engine optimization takes time and most of all patience. Lack of patience will just have you spending money in the wrong places. We have developed a line of products for people to use that will get them results - end of story. We are in this long term and will be around for many more years to come.

Creating a successful product allows us to never have to worry about customer satisfaction or having to pickup and move our shop because of a bad reputation. We feel that if we are upfront and honest with each and every person then in the long run they will understand that we are all in this together. We all should be helping each other have successful web sites and no trying to steal each others profits.

Put yourself in the surfer's shoes for a moment. Would you open any of those intrusive ads? So then why would anyone want to open yours or furthermore want to use your service by finding it in a popup or popunder ad?

Good luck and God bless.

About The Author

This article has been brought to you by:
Nerd Lib Software Labs
PO Box 129
S. Bound Brook NJ 08880

16 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Blog

Posted by Blogging And Marketing | 5:07 AM

You've got your blog set up and you've started posting pithy, useful information that your niche market would benefit from and enjoy. Days go by, you keep publishing, but no one comments and your traffic stats are barely registering. What do you do?

Like any website you own, you must do some blog promotion to start driving traffic to your site. Here are 16 steps, in no particular order of importance, that you can start doing now to get traffic moving to your blog.

1. Set up a Bloglet subscription form on your blog and invite everyone in your network to subscribe: family, friends, colleagues, clients, associates.


2. Set up a feed on so your site gets regularly spidered by the Yahoo search engine (see tutorial on

3. Read and comment on other blogs that are in your target niche. Don't write things like "nice blog" or "great post." Write intelligent, useful comments with a link to your blog.

4. Use Ping-0-matic to ping blog directories. Do this every time you publish.

5. Submit your blog to traditional search engines:

6. Submit your blog to blog directories. The most comprehensive list of directories is on this site:

Tip: Create a form to track your submissions; this can take several hours when you first start so schedule an hour a day for submitting or hire a VA to do it for you.

7. Add a link to your blog in your email signature file.

8. Put a link to your blog on every page of your website.

9. If you publish a newsletter, make sure you have a link to your blog in every issue.

10. Include a link to your blog as a standard part of all outgoing correspondence such as autoresponder sequences, sales letters, reports, white papers, etc.

11. Print your blog URL on your business cards, brochures and flyers.

12. Make sure you have an RSS feed URL that people can subscribe to. The acronym RSS means Rich Site Summary, or some may consider its meaning as Really Simple Syndication. It is a document type that lists updates of websites or blogs available for syndication. These RSS documents (also known as 'feeds') may be read using aggregators (news readers). RSS feeds may show headlines only or both headlines and summaries.

To learn how news aggregators/RSS readers work, see this site:

13. Post often to keep attracting your subscribers to come back and refer you to others in their networks; include links to other blogs, articles and websites in your posts

14. Use Trackback links when you quote or refer to other blog posts. What is TrackBack? Essentially what this does is send a message from one server to another server letting it know you have posted a reference to their post. The beauty is that a link to your blog is now included on their site.

15. Write articles to post around the web in article directories. Include a link to your blog in the author info box (See example in our signature below).

16. Make a commitment to blog everyday. 10 minutes a day can help increase your traffic as new content attracts search engine spiders. Put it on your calendar as a task every day at the same time.

Tip: Use a hit counter to track your visitor stats: how many unique visitors, how many page views, average length of visit. You can get a free hit counter at

Denise Wakeman of Next Level Partnership, and Patsi Krakoff of Customized Newsletter Services, have teamed up to create blogging classes and marketing services for independent professionals. You can read and subscribe to their blogs at, and

Article Source:

What Makes BlogCatalog Different? - Blogging Mix Review

Proactive High Performance Teamwork

Posted by Blogging And Marketing | 10:13 AM

Proactive High Performance Teamwork is made up of nine proactive components and will provide the growth you are seeking in your practice. Two of the nine components are Performance and Opportunities.


High Performing Staff=High Performing Bottom Line!

Successful practices excel in the filed of Patient Services

**It's not about product...It's about Service!! ....your "Absolutely outstanding service"!


New service options and availability can create tremendous opportunities for revenue and profit from existing (as well as new) patients. Seek to provide so many services and benefits that patients choose to keep returning.

**Every patient is an Opportunity looking for a place to happen!

Learn to look and listen for Opportunities!

Patients must be made to feel important, appreciated and valued.

Focus on making each patient feel they are the most important patient you have....because they are!!

Position your practice to do more cosmetic dentistry. Although insurance doesn't cover cosmetic dentistry, more and more patients are choosing cosmetic procedures.

All too often we think the patient in the treatment room knows what cosmetic procedures are available to them, when 95% of the time the patient doesn't have a clue! Many times it is just a matter of mentioning what's available.

Don't speak in technical terms, speak in simple laymen's terms so the patient will understand what you are saying. You're the one who took dental terminology, not the patient.

Speak in terms like:

"Have you ever thought of closing the gap between your two front teeth?"

"Did you know those two 'pointed' teeth could be made to look as nice as the rest of your teeth?"

"You have such pretty teeth, you are a perfect candidate for making them whiter!"

Remember: Every patient is an Opportunity looking for a place to happen! Look and Listen for Opportunities.

There are 72 + million Baby Boomers in their mid-fifties, who's children are now out of college (no more college education to pay for), who have more disposable income to spend, and who are extremely concerned about their appearance.

Strengthen and enhance your practice's image by building a reputation of excellence and becoming an office that provides so many measurable benefits in services to your patients that is reinforces their decision to keep returning.

Services so beneficial to your patients that receiving care in your office offsets any inconvenience the patients may have ("You are not on my provider list", "your fees are too high", or Your office is too far away").

Often your most creative ideas come from your employees and your patients. Learn to listen and understand both your employees and your patients.

You and your team are marketing a high quality service...and the patient defines quality. From their first telephone call through enrollment and treatment, make sure your practice presents an overall "Absolutely outstanding service" experience for your valued patients as a benefit from your.... Proactive High Performance Team (work)!
About The Author
Livvie Matthews, Business Office and Patient Relationship Specialist helps you FOCUS on narrowing the gap between your practice -- your business. Visit Business Office News

Search Engines: The Alternative Way

Posted by Blogging And Marketing | 6:44 AM

Hate them or love them, but we still have to face the fact that over 80 per cent of all traffic that websites receive comes from the direction of search engines.

As infuriating as it is there is really nothing much you can do when the all-powerful search engine wake up one morning and decide to suddenly change the rules without any warning, causing your agonizing hard work in terms of SEO to be flushed down the drain. Nobody seems to care that you spent months and some small fortune to get your site up there in the first place.

But actually there is plenty that you can do.

Search Engines: How Smart Webmasters Are Fighting Back

You can get your site listed in alternative search engines and web directories that apart from giving you valuable links pointing back at your site will also drive respectable daily traffic in the direction of your site.

While it is true that one of the alternative, less well-known sites will be able to drive the sort of massive traffic that some websites enjoy from the big but sometimes arrogant boys, there are a few ideas you can use and you will soon find that you hardly miss the big boys.

For instance while one of these small search engines and directories such as,, and will be able to give you only a handful of traffic every day on their own, by combining quite a number, the figures will quickly add up. A good place to find this collective power of search engines and directories is at

Search Engines: Entertain As Many Alternative Methods As You Can Find Because Nobody knows Who The Heir To The Throne Will Be

The really fascinating thing about all these different search engines is the fact that a wide range of different methods and rules are used to rank site popularity. For instance Yahoo! are betting heavily on their new Web 2.0 social search engine where people recommend sites that they have found interesting and useful to others.

Nothing lasts forever, and this is even more true online. What this means is that the only constant thing we can expect on the net is change itself. Nobody knows what the next really big search engine criteria is going to be. And more importantly what particular search engine will come up with it. So what every smart webmaster and blog owner is doing is entertaining as many search engines as they can find. With all their different and widely varying criteria, nobody knows who the heir to the big 3 search engines throne will be.


Taking the alternative way, as far as search engines are concerned is the smart way to guarantee traffic to your site for many years to come. It allows webmasters to ensure that they have not placed all their eggs, dangerously into just one basket. Instead you will find that they have numerous friendly search engines out there working very hard for them.
About The Author
Glenn Ford is a professional SEO expert and owner of

Check out Blogging Mix for more details or you can visit BlogCatalog's Discussion Thread regarding the event!

How To Design Your Site Effectively

Posted by Blogging And Marketing | 5:15 AM

You decide you want to have a web presence. How do you design your website in a way that is effective? How do you effectively create website in a way that makes your clients want to come back? A client or visitor to your website may not want to come back if their experience on your website is tedious and cumbersome. Here are some tips to keep in mind when designing your website:

- Don't use a lot of animated graphics. In fact, don't use any at all because it makes the site look unprofessional.

- Don't use frames to design your website. You will be in for a lot of code redundancy and it causes the page to load slower.

- Use graphics at the lowest density possible. This allows the page to load faster.

- Try to get most of the content on one page preventing the user from having to scroll down to get the important information that your first page needs to prevent.

- Use links to navigate to the various sections of the site at the top, side, and bottom. Doing this allows a visitor can get to anywhere in the site from anywhere in the site.

- Always have link to get back to the home page on every page of the site.

- Use tables to lay out the sections on the site. This way, when one adjusts the size of the browser window, it does not alter the positioning of the paragraphs or sections on the page.

- Use headers and footers common to all pages and include that header or footer each time a new page is rendered. This way, if you have to change header or footer information, you only have to change it once.

- Use a white background for the main content of your page. The reason is that it looks much more professional and it is easier to read.
About The Author
Andrew Smith is a co-webmaster of HowToAll, a site providing well researched information on accomplishing tasks on various topics.

Promotional Vehicles

Posted by Blogging And Marketing | 5:05 AM

It is difficult to miss a Hummer, but how many companies could afford to run one to promote their business? The answer is, of course, very few and it is doubtful whether GM's overgrown offspring would be the most suitable promotional vehicle for many of them. What then are the alternatives and how could businesses benefit from using a vehicle as an advertising medium?

What is a promotional vehicle?

A promotional vehicle is a car, truck or SUV with purpose-designed adhesive vinyl graphics applied to its exterior, promoting a business or one of its products or services.

The graphics may be a full wrap (the whole vehicle is covered), a decal wrap (decals are applied to body panels) or a window wrap (decals are applied to the side and rear windows).

The types of business that operate promotional vehicles include radio stations, beer companies, car dealers and up-market pubs, clubs and restaurants to name but a few.

The benefits of a promotional vehicle

A vehicle is mobile so you can take your advertising places. Both drivers and pedestrians will notice your advertising when your vehicle is parked as well as when it is on the move.

Your advertising stays in position until you remove it or sell the vehicle. There is no need to book media space or pay regular subscriptions.

The cost is not as much as you might expect. In fact, vehicle graphics cost less to create and apply than many other types of advertising. If you apply graphics to an existing vehicle then there are no additional costs.

You can potentially make a big impression. Cleverly designed and eye-catching vehicle graphics can be used for PR purposes.

Is a promotional vehicle for me?

It depends on your business, as promotional vehicles are not suitable for every company.

Brand image is a key deciding factor. You need to consider how the vehicle will be used (will it be on the move much of the time or parked), what will it be used for and who will drive it and how will it be driven. Do not forget that the vehicle will influence people's perceptions of your company and your product/service.

Budgetary considerations will play a part too, more so if you are purchasing a new vehicle specifically for use as a promotional vehicle.

Which are the best promotional vehicles?

For sheer size and physical presence, nothing beats the Hummer, H2 and other large SUV's.

At the opposite end of the scale is the 2.5-metre long Mercedes Smart car - one of the most popular promotional vehicles in Europe. This goes on sale in Canada in the fall of 2004 and is sure to have great novelty value and attract a lot of attention.

In between these extremes, you have vehicles such as the PT Cruiser and the forthcoming Chevrolet SSR. Molson promoted their A Marca Bavaria beer at last year's Vancouver Indy using a Honda Element. Other possibilities include the VW Beetle or an unusual, classic or sports car.

The MINI might seem an obvious choice but bear in mind that the model already includes a range of graphic treatments in its option list and this may reduce its usefulness as a promotional vehicle because your advertising will stand out less.

Whatever vehicle you choose it should attract attention in its own right and the less common it is the better.

If you are buying a new vehicle, your choice will be determined by your promotional requirements and your budget. A cheaper solution is to use an existing company vehicle. However, consider the impression you want to make on your target audience and avoid the temptation to apply a wrap to your rusting, dented 1992 Safari.

What about the vehicle graphics?

The first step is to commission a design for your vehicle. Your design is printed in full colour on weather-resistant high-quality adhesive vinyl. This is then applied to the vehicle.

A complete vehicle wrap will take 8 hours or more; a decal or window wrap will take less time. The vinyl is durable and washable. It can be removed when the time comes to update the design (for example if you change your logo) or when you sell the vehicle.

So, if you are looking for an alternative way to promote your business and you want to take your message onto the street or to events then you should consider a promotional vehicle.It may not be suitable for every company but if it is right for you then it is a great way to get people to notice and talk about your business.

Copyright © 2004, Christopher Smith, Mano Design
About The Author
Chris Smith is a partner in Mano Design ( ) - a Vancouver Design and Marketing agency.

For more blogging tips and advices, visit BLOGGING MIX. Enhance your blog and blogging skills with Blogging Mix.

How To Appeal To Different Personalities?

Posted by Blogging And Marketing | 5:04 AM


We all think differently. We read different books, listen to different music, and have different opinions on things.

Yet with our websites, we often develop the voice, copy, and style with what we want and how we do things. What about the customer? Chances are, the customer won’t feel and do things the same way you do. The site must be client-centric and visitor-focused.

Keep the customer in mind and construct a website that leads the customer to buy your product or service. Your copy and design will grab the attention of the right visitors and get them to act.

So, when the customer hits your site with the obvious question of ‘what’s in it for me?’ You’ll grab their attention if you’ve constructed a website that considers their wants and speaks in their voice. You’ve got to know what the customer wants to hear, and how they need to hear it to make the sale.

“But”, you say, “I’m me. How can I write copy or talk in a way which appeals to another person voice and style?” The answer is to understand your customer and speak to them personally. It can be a little like dealing with Jekyll and Hyde, but once you’ve get the knack of it you’ll find that split personalities are easier to handle than you think!

Personality types

Take the following different personality types:

An easy going likes a personal approach. They will ask the question “Why is your product the best?” To satisfy the easy going person, provide reassurance and opinions. These personalities are humanistic in nature so testimonials and such appeal to them and may help them move through the conversion process.

An analytical person is all business and detail oriented. They are disciplined, and will ask you “How does your product differ from others?” For analytical people, provide evidence. A simple paragraph explaining your products will not suffice, you need to give this personality type in-depth information about your process, details about your products/services, etc.

A spontaneous person likes brief, to-the-point answers! The expressive person will ask “What are the benefits and how can this (product/service) help me?” For this person, you need to display the points, give them the reason to buy your products or services, and help them convert right away by placing call to actions throughout your copy.

An assertive person is powerful and strategic. They will want to know “What can your product do for me and why is it the best?” This personality is competitive in nature and always wants the best, wants to know why it’s the best, and wants to see the advantages of your service/product over the rest. For this include person comparisons, assurances, and satisfaction guarantees.

The method

“You mean I have to write different copy to suit all these different personalities?” Don’t panic, not at all. With careful thought, you can combine the approaches and come away with something for everyone. Take a look.

“At INVESP, our approach is customized to meet your objectives and concerns. Your results are guaranteed. Explore our methodology to discover how hundreds of clients have been satisfied. Our solutions include:

•Traffic builder designed to drive more online visitors to yoru site.

•Optimized conversion solution designed to lead users through the conversion process.

•Community builder designed to keep your traffic coming back to your site for more.”

Different types of people will all find something here they like.

•Easy going, humanistic personalities will identify with the ‘hundreds of clients’.

•Those that are analytical will identify with ‘methodology’ and most likely click on that link.

•The spontaneous will explore like the list of solutions and their immediate benefits.

•Assertive/competitive people will like the ‘guaranteed results’ and satisfaction guaranteed.

Something for everyone, pretty easy concept. However, before imploring this technique, you must identify who your clients are. The majority of your clients may be analytical and spontaneous in nature, so you would have to try to appeal to them mostly. Identify with your customer and they are more likely to complete the sale, so start appealing to their personal side. Remember, the site must be constructed for them, not you.
About The Author
Ayat Shukairy leads the creative team at INVESP consulting. She works closely with clients to drive traffic to their sites, increase website conversion rates, and establish customer loyalty.

For more blogging tips and advices, visit BLOGGING MIX. Enhance your blog and blogging skills with Blogging Mix.

I started my blog ( 18 months ago as an effort to increase communications with my staff but very quickly realized the power of it with my customers and my suppliers. Now I consider my blog to be an integral part of my marketing efforts.

As an active blogger I have come up with seven reasons blogging should be part of any marketing program.

1. Blogs increase communication Anytime you increase communication, you increase profile and sales.

2. Although blogs have been around for awhile, they are still new and topical. People who see that you have a blog will think you are more leading edge. Even if you do not sell technology products, it helps.

3. Owning a blog is like owning a media. Similar to a newspaper, magazine, or a radio station. The advantage of owning a media is that you can say whatever you want where all other media tend to filter what you have to say.

4. You noticed that I said a blog should only part of a marketing program. Blogs on their own tend not to get much readership, rather they have to be crossed promoted so you need to put it on your email tag line, your website, your business cards, etc. People who see your blog address in another media are likely to come to it.

5. Blogging like writing tends to make you an expert. People tend to believe what they read. For this reason you don’t want your blog to be totally self-promotional. Add value. Provide information that helps your customer, amuses them, teaches them etc.

6. A blog should have an angle. People don’t want to log on and hear some promotional material about you and your company. They want to hear something that is a bit edgy, interesting, humorous, and resonates with them. Although you own a media, you still are in competition with all of the other media available. In my case, I have chosen Time Leadership/CEO as the title of my blog and I blog about personal self-development with a focus on time management and efficiency.

7. Blogging will often get picked up by other media and this added press can help you sell. For example, because I blog I have been featured twice in the Globe and Mail and once in Forbes magazine, as well I have been in our industry trade journals. I have also had many speaking engagements as a direct result of my blog.

Blogging doesn’t need to be technically intimidating. Anyone can set up a blog in five minutes. My suggestion is to get an experienced blogger to show you how to start. Or ask your kids.

Blogging is not for everyone. If you want to blog, you need to be willing to dedicate some time and you must enjoy writing. Because I blog about efficiency, I spend a lot of time focusing on my blogging efficiency and I spend less than 20 minutes on each of my blog entries. I do four or five a week; so I spend less than two hours a week on my blog.

I have received some direct sales as a result of my blog. I know from the feedback I have received that many of my customers and suppliers read it.

Blogging is one part of the marketing program.
About The Author
Jim Estill started his business from the trunk of his car and grew into to $375 Million in sales before selling it to SYNNEX. He is now CEO of SYNNEX Canada a $1 Billion computer wholesaler. he is a regular blogger at

For more blogging tips and advices, visit BLOGGING MIX. Enhance your blog and blogging skills with Blogging Mix.

I recently just pick up a neat trick on how to increase my blog page rank through backlinks with anchor text from high page rank sites for free. How do I do it and why high page rank sites allow this ?

Although I am a newbie blogger but I would like to try this out on my "Internet Network Marketing Blog"( as anchor text and sees if it works because presently my Internet Network Marketing Page Rank is "0" !

Its pretty easy and simple. First research for blogs of your Niche or Industry.For me will be the Internet Network Marketing MLM niche.Look for those with Page rank 3 and above.Just Leave a comment, not just those spammy short comments like: Good work or well done.

Contribute and write something worthy of passing their comment moderation.The better or longer you write the higher chances of your comment being approved and thus attract their readers attention to your Blog.

Now come the most important part, you need to fill in your name, email, website URL .We all know that our blog URL will Leave a backlink but if I fill up my name as :"Internet Network Marketing Blog" and yes that is my anchor text and Google will know that "Internet Network Marketing Blog" is my anchor text and its important to my Blog URL .Check out Youtube Video in my blogpost where I test this in 's blogpost title:"The John Chow Effect"'s comment.

Is this tactic workable ? Come watch Youtube video and comment in my blogpost

"How I increase my Internet Network Marketing Blog Page Rank with Free Back links ?" is brought to you by The MLM Jedi.

May the Force be with You.
About The Author
David Gwee author of THE Online MLM Blog : an Online MLM Expert shows you How -INSIDER BLUEPRINT- a 100% Profit Affiliate Program featuring "Pay It Forward" & MLM Funded Proposal Advertising Concept, Can EXPLODE Your MLM Leads Online! Go NOW!

There has been a lot of buzz around blogging lately, and for good reason. Weblogs, or blogs for short, are changing the way people market themselves and their businesses.

If you aren't familiar with blogging, the concept is relatively easy to grasp. Blogs first began as a shared online journal. A blogger posted diary-like entries about his or her daily life for others to read.

Recently though, blogging has evolved into a new form of business writing and advertising. Many business owners now use blogs to promote their goods and services. Others use blogs to promote their website and get higher search engine rankings. Some politicians even use blogs to reach voters.

The typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media that is somehow related to the blog topic. Though most blogs focus on textual contant, a blogger may include videos, pictures, and even audio in blog posts. A blog comprised of videos is called a vlog and a blog that uses pictures is called a photoblog.

The Benefits of Blogging

By adding blogging to their marketing campaigns, business owners are able to market their product with virtually no out of pocket expense. In some cases, bloggers may even be able to make large sums of money with their published blog. For example, a blogger who employs the Google Ad Sense program can make money from blog readers. The more readers a blogger has, the more money can be made from the Google ad.

A blogger can also be a guide for shoppers who are looking for specific products and services. This makes blogging an excellent tool for retailers or affiliate marketers. Blogs can also be a source of valuable information and niche industry news.

Because there are virtually limitless possibilities provided by blogging, it is easy to see why blogs have begun to have a significant impact on mainstream marketing practices. Many companies have noticed this and have chosen to hire a blogger to write and post up to date information for customers, shareholders, and employees.

Some blogs now get millions of readers every single day. There are so many blog readers out there, that experts speculate that the world of blogging is rivaling the mainstream media. New blog search engines are also being created to make searching for a blog easier than ever before.

If you have not yet established a blog for your business, you may want to consider doing so as soon as possible. Keep in mind though that it will take work to attract readers to your blog. It must be interesting or valuable to them in some way. A blogger must also concentrate on creating informative pieces that are as honest and up to date as possible. Blogging is serious business and if you make a mistake, it will not go unnoticed by your readership.

If you need help developing your blog, there are many different browser-based software programs on the market that can help you get a start. Blogs can also be hosted by dedicated blogging services or regular web hosting services.

Last, but not least, a blogger must remember to optimize blog writing for search engines. Blogging is an Internet medium and needs to be approached with Internet principles in mind.

Blogging Example

A typical blog entry includes a title or headline, a body of text, a permalink or URL for another web page, and a post date, which indicates the date and time that the post was published. A blogger may also choose to include a link at the bottom to allow readers to post comments on the blog.
About The Author
Cliff Posey, owner of CRP Marketing, owns and operates Cliff Posey has also operated several other successful web businesses including Love Song Cards and Radio Career Consultants. The content in this article was developed from his experience in these businesses.

For more blogging tips and advices, visit BLOGGING MIX. Enhance your blog and blogging skills with Blogging Mix.

According to Technorati, there are over 15 million blogs as of July 2005. And during July, an average of 80,000 new blogs were created each day. If you own a blog, how are you going to promote it in order to stay ahead of the competition?

Fortunately, there is a simple, yet very effective method: RSS directory submission. Submitting your RSS newsfeed to specialized news directories benefits your site in several ways.

RSS directory submission increases your readership. When a person is looking for newsfeeds to add to their RSS reader, it is highly likely they will visit an RSS directory to find newsfeeds on their subject of interest. I recently visited a directory looking for personal business blogs. I subscribed to several, and now read them via RSS on a regular basis. Someone else may have an excellent business blog, but since they weren’t listed in the directory, I was unable to discover their site.

RSS directory submission enables your content to be duplicated and linked to from other sites. One of the key benefits of syndicating content through RSS is that it increases your reach. You can publish an article, then have excerpts of that article placed on hundreds of other websites – with links back to the original on your site. Many webmasters want to have fresh content for their visitors, and embedding an RSS newsfeed is the easiest way to do that. You’ll want to make sure that you are listed in RSS directories when a webmaster visits looking for website content – or your competitors may get the free promotion!

RSS directory submission provides immediate link popularity. RSS directories are similar to other web directories – you get a free, one-way link back to your site when you are listed. Think about this. Most RSS directories carry a pagerank (PR) of 5 or higher. When you multiply that over 50 RSS directories, that is a lot of links back to your site – meaning increased search engine rank and more visitors.

There are several ways you can submit your RSS newsfeed to directories. The first, obviously, is by hand. You can get a list of the directories (, then go to each website and add your feed manually. Since there are many RSS directories, this can take quite a while. To save the webmaster time, two ways of automated directory submission exist.

The first one is RSS Submit (, a program that automates the directory submission process. All you have to do is open the software, enter the URL for your feed, and RSS Submit will instantly send the feed information to approximately 40 directories. You can also manually submit your site to another 25 directories using RSS Submit’s auto-fill function.

The second method is appropriately named: RSS Directory Submission Service ( This service is similar to RSS Submit – you give them your feed URL, and they submit it to over 50 directories. The difference between the two is price: while RSS Submit costs $44.95 for a personal, non-commercial license. RSS Directory Submission Service charges $8.95 per feed submission. And since sites usually only have one feed, the RSS Directory Submission Service is more economical for most RSS publishers.

Regardless of the RSS directory submission method you choose, make sure to do it! You will find the effort small compared to the benefits you receive.
About The Author
Josiah Mackenzie is a entrepreneur who shares business tips and advice through his website:
His latest project is an RSS/Blog Directory:

Affiliate Promotion With Your Blog

Posted by Blogging And Marketing | 4:59 AM

Blogs were designed with niche industries in mind. And they serve as excellent tools for promoting your affiliate products.

Begin by choosing a nice template with professional header and matching color scheme. Basic blogs at offer a wide range to choose from and even customize for a very low rate per month, if you’re looking for something quick, easy, professional-looking and affordable – all in one.

After you choose a theme to match your affiliate product you want to promote, you can set up short blocks of links or Blog Rolls and any other features along the columns. Include your own websites here and any affiliate links in the same niche, making the blog serve as a “portal” for you.

Then add content. Basically you want to regularly add content to your blog by way of news and articles. Readers want tips, but also the latest industry news. So do offer both.

Besides discussing your affiliate product in articles and news releases about its upcoming promotions or specials, you can also incorporate images into your blog. Add a banner with your affiliate link and set it up inside an article, for instance. Or insert text ads linked with your affiliate links or even with pay per click (PPC) campaigns like Google Adsense.

Be creative. And check out other blogs for more ideas on how to grow yours. Making the right choices can help you earn substantial revenues with blogs featuring your affiliate programs.
About The Author
Diana Barnum, president of, at: (614) 529-9459 (EST). Grab her freebies, tips and help at: and

For more blogging tips and advices, visit BLOGGING MIX. Enhance your blog and blogging skills with Blogging Mix.

I went to bed last night at 2am because my anti virus software started to scan my system and since this takes up a lot of resources I figured that when I woke up the next day that everything would be done. Boy, was I wrong. I've been using computers for a very long time, a lot of years. I do Spyware scans, Adware scans and virus scans every day because I am running Windows as my main operating system. I need to seriously think about getting a Mac instead.

Every day now this maintenance routine takes longer to complete. I don't have some enormous hard drive, I only have about 160 gigs total but 40 gigs are free and 20 gig is for another operating system so in reality I only have to scan maybe 100 gigs. I saw a 1,000 gig hard drive at the computer store and I have given some serious though to getting one but if it takes almost an entire day to scan 100 gig just think how long it would take if I had a 1,000 gig hard drive.

I have a lot of Windows programs installed on my machine but most of them are also available in a Macintosh version. I could get one of those new Mini Mac's and still have part of the drive running Windows. I would have the bigger part of the drive running Mac OS though. The only reason I don't switch everything over to Linux is because the GUI runs a lot slower than Windows does. But in reality Windows was Bill Gates stolen Mac OS. Mac OS was the first of its kind, an operating system with a GUI that ran a lot easier than doing everything at command line like Do and Unix.

Some Day in the near future all applications will be web based not just things like word processor, spreadsheets and desktop publishing b ut hopefully things like Dreamweaver. When this happens in the near future then whether you are using Windows or Mac OS everything will run. Switching over will almost be completely painless.. I foresee this happening by the year 2010 but to have to go through another 3 years of scanning daily for Spyware, Adware, viruses and trojans is something I cannot grasp.

Macintosh still has some of the same threats that windows has but on a much lighter scale. For every 120 Windows threats the Mac maybe has 1. The Mac has always handled memory a lot better than PC's and the Mac is the preferred system for anybody that works in design using graphics. PDF documents will run on Windows and Mac's. Without web based word processors then you would need to take all your doc files and convert them to a Mac format but now with Web applications I don't think this will be a heavy concern.

Using a computer is something that most people do just a couple hours a day at most but no more since it takes so damn long for my computer to check for viruses. It used to take maybe an hour or two at most but it never has ever taken 20 hours before. Hell, I could have major surgery done in a lot less time then it takes my computer nowadays to check for viruses. When you compound this with having to check for Adware, Spyware, and trojans we are talking about a major time investment if you are using a computer that has Windows on it.
Article Source:
About the Author:Jeffrey A. Solochek grew up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin but now resides in Coastal Georgia. Mr. Solochek has a great sense of humor and he writes on a broad range of subjects which stem from his life experiences and his observations. All his writings containsNo BS, No FluffPlus everything he writes always contains a blend of his unique wit and humor.

For more blogging tips and advices, visit BLOGGING MIX. Enhance your blog and blogging skills with Blogging Mix.

Search engine optimization, known far and wide as SEO, is an important factor in the success of websites small and large. No matter how popular you think your site is, it's vital that you and your team put some thought and energy into optimizing your search engine rankings and your visibility within search results.

Do you know that there are some illegal search engine optimization techniques? Prevent these pitfalls before being sued by others. Let me share with you some of these illegal ways that you should not be following.

Using Trademarked Keywords in Domain Names and META Tags
You should not be using trademarked keyword such as YAHOO, GOOGLE to register as your domain name to attract customer. This is totally illegal. It violates federal trademark law, which prohibits the use of someone else's trademark,
It is illegal as it will cause a likelihood of confusion among consumers.

Although it is not necessarily illegal to use trademarked keywords in your META tags. But you could get sued, and people have. It all depends on why and how you are using the trademarked keywords. If you used the keywords in what is deemed a deceptive manner, then you're likely to lose your case.

Pagejacking is copying someone else's web page and submitting it to the search engines as your own, in hopes of getting high rankings. Pagejacking is no more than stealing copyrighted content.

Doorway pages
Doorway pages are web pages that are created for spamdexing, this is, for spamming the index of a search engine by inserting results for particular phrases with the purpose of sending you to a different page. They are also known as bridge pages, portal pages, zebra pages

Deep Linking
If a site you intend to link onto your webpage has stated that linking is prohibited, or requires permission first, it will be wise not to link the page.

Deep Linking Within A Frame
If you link to another site's content by displaying it within a FRAME on your site, and your ad in another FRAME, you will be asking for trouble.
What you're basically doing is stealing other people's content to generate advertising revenue. This is strongly not recommended.
Article Source:
About the Author:Patrick Sia is the man behind He's a passionate believer in the power of technology to better the lives of everyone and his passion and drive are hallmarks of his attitude to doing business. Check out for his step-by-step guide to startup a successful internet business.

For more blogging tips and advices, visit BLOGGING MIX. Enhance your blog and blogging skills with Blogging Mix.

Niche marketers are constantly searching for answers, and hunger for the Holy Grail to niche marketing. Perhaps what we frequently may ask is what the real big time gurus are doing to their niche websites that make them so much cash everyday that make all of us drool over. What are their niche marketing secrets?

I guess that there are no real niche marketing secrets. Oops…before you jump at me, let me explain. Basically, there are no secrets, but it is just that niche marketing gurus know and do something which we do not know. What do they do really? Here are some elements that explain their niche marketing success behind all niche websites they build.

1. A Good Grasp of Knowledge

Do not be an information garbage bin. The whole internet is flooded with tons upon tons of free reports, articles, blog posts, forum posts and information is everywhere. But marketers just simply cannot pinpoint what works and which niche can be a good one to create profitable niche websites out of it. Too much unprocessed information is digital trash. You really need to brush aside distractions, sit down, think through and get into some action testing out different niches. Some may work, some may fail miserably. But at the end of the day, you would figure out a system that works well.

2. Huge Resources

Niche Marketing Gurus do not do all the work themselves. In fact, some do not work at all. They have whole teams of writers, graphic designers and so on to toil for them. These guys have mastered the concept of niche marketing and are able to work out a system that keeps repeating the proven steps to create tons of profitable niche websites. And they can do so with huge resources to exponentially shoot up their earnings.

Of course, you may whine that you do not have the money or resources to build an empire of niche websites that pump in cash everyday. Well, at the beginning, you may have to get your hands dirty on every task from learning basic HTML to create a blog, learning how to modify a template, how to submit an RSS feed for more traffic and so on.

But as a learning point here, you must always set aside time to think how you can automate each task so that you can have more time to grow your mini empire of niche websites. This can mean hiring people to help you with the content creation, or even investing in automated blogging software that can do the menial and boring tasks for you. With automated tools, you can automate tasks, and achieve much more within the 24 hours you have everyday. You can use that to build more niche websites, or think of more ways to monetize these niche websites. Think about the possibilities!

Let us paint a picture here. Mr Newbie Niche Marketer finally sorts out his thoughts and starts to build 1 niche website a week. And he is diligent in the creation and updating and does that consistently. At the very best, he can only build 4 niche websites every month. And his income sees a small improvement each month. Maybe each website earns him $50 every month. So his income climbs $200 every month. Not bad!

But compare to the Niche Marketing Guru who contracts a software developer to build him automated blogging software that create niche websites on autopilot. With that, he can build 10 to 20 niche websites within a day. So he adds $15,000 to $30,000 every month to his bottom line.

See the difference in the way niche marketing is done?

This is how these Niche Marketing Gurus are making great income while you still struggle with petty income. What if this kind of powerful software is in your hands? Can you imagine how you could get the cutting edge like the guru? Perhaps, you can even become a Niche Marketing Guru yourself one day. Find out how through my niche marketing blog.
Article Source:
About the Author:Davion is your near-Guru Niche Marketer who uses automated software heavily to grow his empire of niche blogs. Everyone should work smarter, not harder. Steal a peak at his secret niche marketing weapon Niche Empire Generatortoday!

For more blogging tips and advices, visit BLOGGING MIX. Enhance your blog and blogging skills with Blogging Mix.

There are many people who dread having to write papers or articles. Many just feel like it seems to be too much work and it all just goes to waste when no one reads them. To some people, reading articles seems like work to, especially if the article is boring and very bland. Well, articles are supposed to be read, that's their purpose to impart your message and information. If it is not read then it is a waste of time and effort.

But all the same, articles have to be written to be read. It's just a matter of making them good. Making a good article doesn't have to be strenuous and straining. There are just some points needed to be reminded of, and some guides to follow. Once you get the hang of it, writing articles could be fun, as well as profitable for you and your site.

Of course, writing articles must be about something you know about, that's why if you own a site, you probably is knowledgeable about that certain topic and theme. When you write about it, you won't have a hard time because you already know what it is and what it's about. It'sjust a matter of making your articles creative and interesting.

To make sure that your articles get read and enjoyed, here are six red hot tips to get your articles read. These tips will make your articles readable and interesting.

1) Use short paragraphs. When the paragraph are very long, the words get jumbled in the mind of the reader just looking at it It can get quite confusing and too much of a hard work to read. The reader will just quickly disregard the paragraph and move on to much easier reading articles that are good to look at as well as read. Paragraphs can be a single sentence, sometimes even a single word!

2) Make use of numbers or bullets. As each point is stressed out, numbers and bullets can quickly make the point easy to remember and digest. As each point, tip, guide or method is started with a bullet or point, readers will know that this is where the tips start and getting stressed. Format you bullets and numbers with indentations so that your article won't look like a single block of square paragraphs. Add a little bit of flair and pizzazz to your articles shape.

3) Use Sub-headings to sub-divide your paragraphs in the page. Doing this will break each point into sections but still would be incorporated into one whole article. It would also be easy for the reader to move on from one point to another; the transition would be smooth and easy. You will never lose your readers attention as well as the point and direction to where the article is pointing.

4) Provide a good attention-grabbing title or header. If your title can entice a person's curiosity you're already halfway in getting a person to read your article. Use statements and questions that utilize keywords that people are looking for. Provide titles or headers that describe your articles content but should also be short and concise.

Use titles like, "Tips On Making Her Want You More, or "How to make her swoon." .You could also use titles that can command people, for example, "Make her yours in six easy Ways." These types of titles reach out to a person's emotions and makes them interested.

5) Keep them interested from the start to the finish. From your opening paragraph, use real life situations that can be adopted by the reader. Use good descriptions and metaphors to drive in your point, just don't over do it. Driving your examples with graphic metaphors and similes would make it easy for them to imagine what you are talking about. Making the experience pleasurable and enjoyable for them.

6) Utilize figures when necessary and not just ordinary and insipid statements. Using specific facts and figures can heighten your article because it makes it authoritative. But do not make it too formal, it should be light and easy in them and flow. Like a friendly teac her having a little chat with an eager student.

Article Source:
Carl Hoffman has over 20 years of sales and marketing experience and an expert cook. He has many online ventures and author of many articles on cooking, health, sales and marketing. Visit him at

For more blogging tips and advices, visit BLOGGING MIX. Enhance your blog and blogging skills with Blogging Mix.

In this article, you'll learn how to boost your traffic and get more back links to your website. Through the article you'll learn why the top marketers use this powerful form of marketing.

1. You might ask,"how can writing articles increase my traffic and help with back links"?. The answer is content, you see 'Content' is king on the net. People and search engines love content, it's what makes the net go round. This article will looks at some excellent strategies to help you in your article marketing.

3. For anyone with a website they will surely be looking to good rich content. If they've been around for a while, they'll understand the value of this to get their page or site ranked on the search engines.

4. Where can you get good FREE content, well there are hundreds of sites like, or just to mention a few. What happens here is that the person who has written the article, has a resource box at the bottom of the article.

5. This resource box tells the reader a bit about themselves and more importantly it will have a link to their website in it. To use the article you must also use their resource box. This is where the viral marketing comes in.

6. When someone picks your article to use on their site, automatically your link will be there. Imagine if they have loads of traffic visiting their site, people will see your article and your URL. This is where it becomes viral.

7. See how powerful this is, imagine hundreds or even thousands using your article/s. The traffic is going to be phenomenal. This is what you want and it's all FREE. In this article, you'll learn some of these tips.

8. You'll have to do some good research on what your niche is about or whatever your topic is. Then you'll need to write a good compelling headline that grabs the readers attention.

9. Next is your opening paragraph, you should make this meaty and interesting, use some good words like, this article aims to, or, this article will investigate. This first paragraph sets the mood so to speak.

10. After you've done your research, it's time to write the rest of your article. Don't copy anything, just get the ideas and write in your own words. The use of bullets is said to make it much more readable.

11. When you submit your article/s to the article directories, make sure you check their terms on what you should do. most will not allow you to put hyperlinks into the actual article. But most will let your put anchor text into your bio box. Anchor text is like this Site Name you put your URL in where is says and then you put some text whatever you like. It will come out something like this Click Here, which will be highlighted in blue of course so that people can click on it.

12. Have your eyes been opened to the power of this marketing strategy. It's no wonder marketers everywhere are using this day in day out.

13. After you've finished your article you'll then have to get it out there into cyber space. Mainly the article directories. There's a lot out there, try and pick one's with a page rank of 3 and higher. The search engines love these sites for their content.

14. There's a lot of work but it's worth it. But guess what, now it can be automated, I just found a new site , it's unreal, it will take your article re-write a few times and it will be 100% UNIQUE then when it's all done, send it to over 600 of the best directories.

15. Imagine, being able to have your article written in a Unique form, then being sent to over 600 sites, and I mean top article sites. All in the one place. Well it's here.

This article has shown some proven methods to use article marketing to it's fullest value. It's not everything but hopefully it has given you some valuable information.

You can put this article on your web site with the provision that you include my resource box at the bottom.

Article Source:
With this FREE reporton article marketing, your going to get some great inside information on how to create compelling articlesDon't reprint the same version as everyone else. Get your own unique content article marketing article here.

For more blogging tips and advices, visit BLOGGING MIX. Enhance your blog and blogging skills with Blogging Mix.

One of the well-kept secrets in getting web site traffic is article marketing. Ask those who have done this and they will tell you that is correct and tested.

Not understanding the basic principles behind article marketing will bring what proved to be an effective marketing campaign down the drain. It will take with it all your efforts and otherwise quality articles.

What are some common mistakes that people make with article marketing?

1. Not being clear on who the target audience is.

A lot of writers and publishers make the most common error of not defining first what their target market is before writing out their content.

This differs from the more successful article marketers who already have a clear idea on what their niche market is even before the thought of the article is conceived.

The two aspects needed in targeting your niche is to be narrow and profound. It is preferable to choose an audience with a specified and foremost interest in a certain topic.

2. Making use of spam out of sheer desperation.

In their desperate need of getting to more than the usual number of consumers, authors tend to target just about everyone.

They do get published in all category of newsletters or ezines but not for long. In the long run, the owners of those publication will remove their articles from the copies in the assumption that they are spam.

So instead of saving time and resources, you actually get nothing and have to start over from scratch. What's more, your reputation is the one at stake. Think of the credibility that you suddenly loose by doing something you thought people will not notice.

3. Inappropriate titles or headlines.

If your headlines does not grab the attention of your readers instantly, it will not matter if you are best writer on the Internet. You will end up a loser.

Authors should spend some time thinking up titles that will work. This simply means that titles should attract the attention of visitors the instant they set their eyes on it. That is why the time spent on the content of the article should be the same as the time you have to put in thinking of a good title.

Which would you rather have? An outstanding article that has lame words for a title or an ordinary article with an eye-catching one?

In case you are not aware of it, the ordinary article will probably make more sales than the better one. Ask yourself why.

4. Think of your readers first before you think about yourself.

Most writers may have passed the first stages with flying colors but this is where they blow it. All because they think of themselves first and foremost.

In article marketing, you are not writing for yourself. You are writing for your readers. You cannot just go about and write topics you want. On the contrary, you need to write about your market's topic of interest.

To be an effective article marketer is to give your audience what they want. Your audience does not really care if you have won an award in writing or if you are a well known author. All they care about is that your articles deliver what they need. And that they should have a use of your articles.

Do as they say.

5. Check you spelling and grammar.

Ok, granted that you have just written one of the best article ever read by people. But one thing you did not notice is that one word was spelled incorrectly. Once your readers have spotted this, all admiration and awe is immediately erased. Your article will then be classified as one of the low class ones.

If you do not want your articles to be disposed of as something not worth reading, have them spell checked first before publishing. What is a minute or so of checking for errors. Even if you blame them on machine typos, readers will always think it was you.

Once you understand the essence behind article marketing, you will never think of other means of generating traffic again. Just do not go overboard and start abusing your position as the author.

Article Source:
Joseph Rose's Internet Marketing Website, Ajami Wealth is designed to assist anyone who sincerely wants to change their financial future. You can receive Joseph's free newsletter here.

For more blogging tips and advices, visit BLOGGING MIX. Enhance your blog and blogging skills with Blogging Mix.

One of the most incredible strategies ever to be incorporated with online advertising is article marketing. It has proven to be the most cost-efficient and most effective of them.

By the term itself, you probably would know what this kind of marketing is about. By writing articles that are content-rich, you will be able to reach more people online. Not only that, you will be able to project a credible image to those who may have chanced upon your articles.

With the internet now reaching world-wide market, there is a higher possibility of you getting the attention and interest of potential customers. This is what article marketing can do. If you have not been using this in your business, you are missing more than you know.

How does article marketing work?

Here is a guided tour on the step-by-step process of article marketing that will guide you on your way to achieving the kind of articles needed for your kind of business.

To start with, you need to premium a quality, informative and 300 minimum word article about a certain topic related to your business.

For example, if your business is about family living, you can write an article that delves on how to spend more quality time with families. Never write about something that is not even closely related to your niche.

After you have the content written, you can now include a resource box at the end of the article. The resource box is basically a brief summary about you, your business and with a link that goes right to your website.

Putting a link to your site in the resource box would is making it possible for many people who would get to read your article. This could essentially result to a large amount of new traffic to your site.

Then it is time to submit your articles to as many article directories you can find. Over the Internet, you can find various article directory sites. There are paid and free sites.

If you are on a budget, you may opt for the free submissions being offered. But if you have money set aside for your article marketing, paying for the submission sites is also a wise move.

Whenever somebody reads your article displayed on directories, the link that leads to your site is prominent enough for the readers to be able to check them out once they find your article interesting. This way, there is a big probability of you gaining more customers whenever find what they are looking for in your site.

There is also a chance that your article would get picked up by a printed publication, and the readership of the same would get to know the products or services which your business offers.

You should know that article directories are being displayed on various websites. They are seen by millions of people all over the world. This apparent visibility also makes it easier for search engines to index them.

The technique behind article marketing is back linking. Back links are links to your websites that you have somehow displayed on sites with higher page ranks. To put it simply, your site is basically sharing instant success with the sites you are linking to.

Getting indeed by search engines can be a long and trying process. Oftentimes, the result takes days or months before being acknowledged. There are even cases where, after waiting for a long time, the result you will be getting is not the one you expected. This is the main reason why Internet marketers have resorted to back linking. You cannot get this instant online recognition in the shortest of time and without too much effort anywhere else.

You can always hire a ghostwriter to write your articles for you if you cannot write your own articles or do not have the time for them. The price rate for writing articles is from 3 to 10 dollars.

With all the advantages being presented by article writing, there is no doubt why this has become one of the most often used Internet marketing strategy.

Try to do some article marketing for your site and see the positive results it will bring to your site.

Article Source:
Joseph Rose's Internet Marketing Website, Ajami Wealth is designed to assist anyone who sincerely wants to change their financial future. You can receive Joseph's free newsletter here.

For more blogging tips and advices, visit BLOGGING MIX. Enhance your blog and blogging skills with Blogging Mix.

Article marketing is the sharing of information. When you share information, you are also getting some benefits from it. The benefit is that you get the targeted customers that you wanted which will then resort to more profits for your business.

You may be thinking that article marketing sounds easy enough. It actually is, once you have understand its importance in your business.

Why is article marketing important?

They will give you long-lasting site traffic. How can that possibly be?

This is simply because website owners do not dispose of your articles once they have gotten new ones. What they do is that they put in into their archive sections. Whenever a visitor wants to read your articles, all they have to do is visit the archive part and they will get your articles there.

And since you still have the resource box printed in these articles, you will still receive the traffic brought by their visitors even though it has already some time before anyone got to browse through your content.

Blog authors are constantly in need of something to write about.

Nowadays, there is a large number of bloggers that are constantly looking for contents to write about. One of them may chance upon your article, find it interesting and even go as far as post them in their blog sites.

All you have to do is provide quality information on a specified topic and it will be syndicated by these bloggers once they need to update their blogs.

They get their content. You get your exposure.

Product developers need contents too.

Ezines and other forms of review subscriptions need some sort of content to go with what they are offering. If their theme is similar or somehow related to yours, they will try and reprint your articles to be put into their publications.

By using your article, they get will get more credibility to back up their own claims. When they do that, they are already considering you an expert on your field. If they do not, they would not be publishing your articles in the first place.

Again, free exposure for you along with additional credibility once it circulates around the Internet because of the subscribers of those newsletter or ezine.

You get instant authority as an expert on your field.

Like what was mentioned above, when other people begin to read what you have done, they will deem you as an expert in your business. They get to trust you enough to believe what you have written.

The link that is in your article adds to the credibility you are showing, Not only can they go visit your site and get to know more about you. They will also see more of what you have to offer. If they like what they see, they may even decide to avail of your services or buy some of your products.

Your articles get to be posted to forums related to yours.

As with blogs, forums are a means of interaction between people that have similar beliefs. Posting your article as a thread in answer to another is a means of adding more credibility on your part. By doing this, people will get to notice you.

If your article is unique and is unlike what they have read before, they might even syndicate them and put them on their sites. There is no telling how much people will get to read you and will want to have you posted on their sites also.

Articles are search engine-friendly.

If you primary goal is to achieve higher page ranks and better positions in the search engines, then article marketing is your thing.

It seems that search engines are very fond of articles. They like to put them up for the people who are always in search of information or data.

It is said that there is no better way of having visitors come to your site than having a good position in the search engines.

Are these reasons not enough for you to start and spend some time doing article marketing? Nothing can compare to what articles can do for your business.

What are you waiting for? Start your article marketing now and start reaping the benefits.

Article Source:
Joseph Rose's Internet Marketing Website, Ajami Wealth is designed to assist anyone who sincerely wants to change their financial future. You can receive Joseph's free newsletter here.

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